more than just a spare elsa annavby and with Valerie Flokstra

2016-07-24 10

on youtube all the reasons about we made this duo. thank for watching
about characters: we thought that also elsa was sad and feels alone and thinks that anna is lluky because she has not frozen powers so this mix all reasons on youtube description

【Fair Use Only】
DISCLAIMER: the clip and the music in this video belong to their legitimate owners. We do not own anything except our voices! This was made for fun and for no profit of any kind! This is only a fcover no copyright infringements intended (c)This video is purely fan-made and is no way associated with the musical artist or original version in any way.
This video is NOT FOR PROFIT! so, based the fair use law says:« '1-bis. It allowed the free publication through the Internet, free of charge, images and music at low resolution or degraded, for teaching or scientific only if such use is not for profit. »(ITALIAN)« 1-bis. È consentita la libera pubblicazione attraverso la rete internet, a titolo gratuito, di immagini e musiche a bassa risoluzione o degradate, per uso didattico o scientifico e solo nel caso in cui tale utilizzo non sia a scopo di lucro