Student Reunites Ivanka Trump With Lost Earring Via Twitter

2016-07-22 49

College student Annabelle Hopkins launched a Twitter campaign to successfully return an earring Ivanka Trump lost during the Republican National Convention.

A College of Wooster student’s night at the Republican National Convention led to a Twitter campaign and a meeting with Ivanka Trump. 
Annabelle Hopkins says that after the event on Wednesday, she found a white earring underneath the Trump family's seats.  
She eventually realized the jewelry belonged to Ivanka Trump so she created the hashtag #GetIvankaHerEarringBack. 
Ivanka’s staff saw the posts, and Hopkins was invited to return the item in person. 
Hopkins has since tweeted pictures of herself with Ivanka who is holding up the earring. 
The accompanying message read, “Thank you for helping us get the earring back to its owner! Only trying to be honest and kind here, life is good :)”