NASA gets caught faking Jupiter - Flat Earth

2016-07-22 1

If they had real pics to show us, they would... it's that simple.

The Bible tells us the stars in the heavens are for signs and seasons and for lighting the earth. This is particularly important today, because we're watching the signs the bible was referring to play out right before our eyes. The stars, planets, and space as we know it have been put there by God to show us what time it is on God's celestial clock. It's precise, one can easily download a program and see where everything would be a thousand years from now, cause it never waivers. Man kind has set their clocks and calendars by the lights in the sky since the beginning of time. The Bible tells us what's up there and the reasons for the things to be up there. NASA however has a whole new set reasons they are wanting to show Jupiter and my guess is it has a lot to do with the coming alien deception.

Anyway, if you want to know some of the signs the bible is telling us to look for up there might I suggest the Informed Christians YouTube channel. NASA is lying to you. The Bible doesn't. Jesus is coming soon!

Informed Christians YouTube Channel