Hyde Park McDonalds is ransacked in just seconds by a group of Black Brits

2016-07-21 175

Hyde Park McDonalds is ransacked in just seconds by a group of Black Brits.Five people - including a police officer - were stabbed last night during a night of violence in three different parts of London yesterday evening.

A Metropolitan Police officer and two members of the public were knifed and four other PCs were injured after a water fight and party in Hyde Park spiralled out of control in the city's worst bout of violence since the 2011 riots.

Meanwhile two 16-year-old boys were stabbed at a separate water fight in Burgess Park, Southwark, while police attempting to shut down an illegal block party in Stamford Hill, Hackney, had bottles thrown at them.

Grainy footage has emerged of a young man, who has not been named, apparently being set upon by three others in the middle of a busy road near Hyde Park as buses, taxis and cars are forced to swerve around the attack.

In the footage, which was posted on social media, a youth wearing a white t-shirt appears to repeatedly thrust a weapon at another young man, who is on the floor grappling with two attackers, before all three run off as onlookers scream in horror.