If Only cover live with Dove Cameron

2016-07-21 1

hi guys, i put this again because i'm very happy, i made little the pictures and i discover it now . now it's more like a fandub video. Now the pictures change the place on the screen. i remember 2 things: it's a fair use
and it's a live mixad with moviemaer and karafun but they are not good... sometimes you can hear the sounds of the dove's microfone but also my pc microphone but i can make sure that we sign very well the noise under the song is made by people at the decendants event i can't delate it with karafun or moviemaker. i hope you all understand and like. please click like on this video and subscribe the channel...
---fair use
please don't bother if you don't like find out another cover
this is a cover of fir the first time in forever .The following is a non-profit fan-based series, Pleaese Support The Official Release
【Fair Use Only】
This is Only A COVER please supported the original.


DISCLAIMER: the music in this video belong to their legitimate owners. We do not own anything except our voices! This was made for fun and for no profit of any kind! This is only a fcover no copyright infringements intended (c)This video is purely fan-made and is no way associated with the musical artist or original version in any way.
This video is NOT FOR PROFIT! so, based the fair use law says:« '1-bis. It allowed the free publication through the Internet, free of charge, images and music at low resolution or degraded, for teaching or scientific only if such use is not for profit. »(ITALIAN)« 1-bis. È consentita la libera pubblicazione attraverso la rete internet, a titolo gratuito, di immagini e musiche a bassa risoluzione o degradate, per uso didattico o scientifico e solo nel caso in cui tale utilizzo non sia a scopo di lucro