Complicating religion hurts the whole humanity

2016-07-20 1

ADNAN OKTAR: Complicating religion is a torture for the whole world, because alienating people from religion leads to torment. When alienated from religion, people go through a gruesome torment and feel distressed. It is both spiritually and physically exhausting. Bigots offer people a religion that is utterly impracticable. These bigots believe that the more complicated the religion is, the closer they become to God. But in hell, they will not be able to account for alienating people from the religion of God. Religion is practical; this is how it should be presented, preached to people. Religion is love, contentment, beauty, comfort and joy. Religion is benefiting from the blessings of God in a lawful way. ‘Turning right is a sin, turning left is a sin, looking up is a sin, looking down is a sin’; there can be no such religious conception. It would only overwhelm people leading to their ruin and mental illnesses. Complicating religion is cruelty; they are inflicting such cruelty without realizing it. Religion is tranquality, beauty, and love.
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