Driver Playing 'Pokémon Go' Collides With Baltimore Police Patrol Car

2016-07-20 17

'Pokémon Go' has gotten people off their sofas and into the outdoors, and, while that’s a good thing, it has resulted in some problems.

'Pokémon Go' has gotten people off their sofas and into the outdoors, and, while that’s a good thing, it has resulted in some problems.
On Monday, a man who claimed to be playing the game while driving crashed his car into a parked Baltimore Police cruiser, reports ABC News. 
The incident was caught on a body camera worn by one of the officers. 
The video shows three members of the police force standing on the sidewalk engaging in conversation.
Soon, a Toyota RAV4 crashes into the cruiser then stops a short way up the road. 
The officer approach the driver and asks, "You guys are OK?"
The driver comments, “That's what I get for playing this dumb*** game." 
Fortunately, no one was injured in the crash.
It remains unclear, if any, charges were pressed or pending and whether or not the man caught the Pokémon species he was after.