3 Essential Income Producing Activities

2016-07-18 6

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Every day you must have focus on the key income producing activities for your online business

Now there’s lots of ideas and tips thrown around about this important topic but today I just want to give you what’s working for me

You have to take personal responsibility for your success – you can’t wait for or blame anyone else if you fail.

It’s your call and it always has been
You owe to yourself and you owe it to your family.

My keys to success were my 3 income producing activities that I did every single day – and some of these activities were well outside my comfort zone like creating periscope presentations – but that’s also a story for another day.

So here’s my 3 critical income producing activities

1. CREATE targeted traffic to my website
2. CAPTURE leads for my offers
3. CONVERT my leads into sales

Day in and day out I did this and time was well and truly against me.

By the way watching training videos and webinars are NOT income producing activities – sure they great and you can learn lots BUT unless you start implementing them and they help you with any of the 3 key to your success (traffic, leads and sales) they are a complete waste of your time.

Make a commitment to yourself and don’t lie about it – you’re the only one who will know if you do and by then it will be too late!

Stop COMPARING yourself to others – you get pumped up about your life not someone else’s life and progress.

Stop COMPLAINING – if you don’t know how to do something just learn it – and then teach others. Being negative will never make you any money!

Stop making EXCUSES

It’s your call and no one else’s