Khandani Vaid Sukhjinder Singh Yogi in a world oozing with chemicals, Ayurveda has come as blessings in disguise to the human senses. Bringing back the help in a whole new way is the five generation old family of the Yogi’s who are into this practice since 1944. The Ayurvedic solutions were first rendered by Great Grand Father Late Vaidya Bagh Singh Yogi (Mintgumri Wale, from Pakistan) then Vaid Hukam Singh Yogi (Grand Father) then Vaid Harbhajan Singh Yogi (Bhatinda Wale) (Father) All the medicines/course provided under their treatments are ISO 9001:2015 certified and ensure no side effects. The family tradition is now being taken forth by Khandani Vaid Sukhjinder Singh Yogi, who truly believes that Ayurveda is the secret portion for all the health problems that today’s fastpoced world bring along with it. Be it weight-reduction/Gain, Height increase , Urine-infection, ASAB (help to reduce anti sperm anti body levels) or any other skin or sexual disease.