Illegal Drugs That Could Change Medicine - Future 5

2016-07-15 31

The world of medicine is a place filled with sadness and hope all around us. from miracles being worked to suffering around the other corner you never know what's coming next. Today on future 5, we talk about 5 of the drugs we believe don't belong to have the stigma attached to them they do.

Number 2. Cannabis (aka marijuana)This doesn't have to be covered very much. Cannabis is already being taken down from schedule 1 as we speak and is going full throttle into the medical field if everything rolls the right direction. In America many states have already legalized Cannabis for both medical and recreational use due to its safe nature when compared to harmful substances like alcohol and tobacco. Cannabis has a lot of false information out there covering what it does for the body, but we can hopefully clear things up. The information based around cannabis is limited the same as every other drug we talk about on this list. Multiple scientific studies have showed cannabis to do wonders for the body and if it wasn't for the smoking part of it then it is a vital resource for good health and well being. In a young person without a fully developed brain under the age of 21 cannabis can do damage to your health. It can lead to possible short term memory and bring forth mental disorders that may have been laying dormant in a young persons mind. In a full grown adult however the opposite is true. Cannabinoids help your brain produce more brain cells which is a rare for chemicals to stimulate without consequence. One of the most overblown studies that has gotten a lot of false media is that cannabis can actually kill cancer. This shouldn't be taken by it's cover. The study was done on mice with human brain tumors and researchers were only able to greatly reduce the size of the tumors while on the bodies and didn't do enough research to prove it could completely destroy the tumor. Another study that was done in a controlled environment had researchers use tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, straight onto tumor cells which was able to destroy them without a trace. Cannabis has not been found to fight all cancers and just smoking it will not rid you of cancer like some people try to claim. There are true medical values in this drug but without true research and the end to prohibition we'll never know if it's true science.

Number 3. PRL-8-53PRL - 8 - 53 is a synthetic nootropic compound discovered all the way back in 1972 and later patented in 1975. Nootropic compounds are compounds that are known to affect the brain in a multitude of ways that improve cognition and includes things such as Alzheimers drugs, adderal, ritalin, and racetams. The study on PRL was done in 1978 and performed on 30 individuals between the ages of 24 and 86 and the success was overwhelming. Each person was administered a 5 mg dose of the drug and from that after a 24 hour period the average retention rate seemed to go up by an average of 108 percent for patients above the age of 30. After 1 week on the drug the average retention rate of words increased to 152% and continued from that point. So far this has been noted to be the most powerful nootropic on the market and compared to drugs such as nefiracetam and noopept. The exact way PRL - 8 - 53 works is not understood which is similar to most nootropics and brain boosting drugs. We know very little about brain chemistry and it's really a matter of trial and error. One theory that's widely accepted among nootropics is that it ups the amount of dopamine in older subjects, who allready have lower levels. It can have a significant impact on both learning and memory itself.

Number 4. LSDThis one won't have a lot of information because we already covered a lot of the scientific research backing it up with Philocybin. LSD is a drug derived from a fungus and is psychoactive and considered schedule 1 by the DEA with no medical benefits and with a high potential of abuse. LSD has extremely similar effects to mushrooms however and is found to cause less anxiety and be less likely to cause a mental break down then philocybin. LSD is impossible to get addicted to as your body will not allow it and can be used for the same medical conditions as magic mushrooms. It's been proven to stop cluster headache cycles, treat migraines, cure depression, and possibly cure addiction the same as mushrooms. LSD has been used by the CIA for many reasons in history and has been tested extensively although off the books. Although the lethal dose of LSD is extremely high the possibility of bringing out a mental disorder or causing suicide among individual users is still possible.

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