ADNAN OKTAR: Animosity, anger and hatred towards other countries and nations are very widespread. Our government should take measures against it. What does 'Israel is not our friend' mean? It means ‘Israel is our enemy’. What part of Israel? Israel as a whole. That is what it means. This is terrible, this is a national disaster. Such degree of lovelessness is horrible. The government should take measures against this. A morality, a spirit that embraces every nation, be it Russians, Bulgarians, or Yugoslavians, should be prevalent. Animosity against Israel is presented as if it is an accomplishment, as if it is a sign of piety. Animosity against the People of the Book is really obnoxious. We love all the Christians, all the Jews. We feel sympathy towards the atheists. What Mr Erdogan refers to by 'sense of mercy" is the love towards everyone. But those who promote traditionalist Orthodox conception of Islam are proceeding slowly, but still this is a grave danger. The government should take effective measures regarding this issue.
Israeli people are the descendants of prophets. "Israel is not our friend", so who is then? What about the Russian people? "No" they say. What about the Greek? "They are not our friends either," they say. What about the Arabs? "They are not our friends either." "Iran is definitely not our friend." What about Syria? "Syria is also not our friend. Neither is Iraq." Who is our friend then? "No one," they answer. Are you friends with yourselves? They give a negative answer to that as well. What is this lovelessness? All of them are our friends. Iranians, Israelites, Arabs, Russians, all of them are our friends, and excellent friends.
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