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Dallas "Shooter" Micah Johnson AKA Micah Morris - THE NOSE

2016-07-12 1

An eyewitness said the "shooting" looked just like fireworks. Was it just fireworks?

Nearly all of the popularized "mass shootings" shown in the mass entertainment "news" media, have been proven to be faked, theatric events - staged for crass political gain. The supposed victims and perpetrators turn out to be nothing more than amateur and failed actors hired for the part, known as "crisis actors."

A minor issue in our search for the truth has been, that the photos of "Micah Xavier Johnson" seem to have him flaring his nose, while the real-life photos of Micah Johnson (or his aliases) in mugshots etc. do not. The possible reasons for this are interesting, and covered here.

More Recent Faked-Shooting Resources:



