No free lunch Stop giving Your entrepreneurial endeavors for free

2016-07-11 0

Hello everyone and welcome once again to The Entrepreneur Power Hour! This Tuesday night July 12th/2016 The Entrepreneur Power Hour will be discussing how to truly value yourself as an entrepreneur. If you give all your talents and the skills away others will start to devalue them. This is especially true when others become accustomed to getting your services for free. Take a moment and think back to all the hard work you put in to master your skills and how much work you put into creating a truly unique craft with the world. Your hard work is worth something but only when you realize it and are open to receiving from others. Don't fall into this dangerous trap of devaluing yourself and taking yourself for granted. This hurts you and the people you provide services too. Not charging for your services can also make those your provide them to take it for granted. This Tuesday lets get you to reclaim your value and lets get others to honor it! The show starts at 7:30 pm est 6:30 CST and 4:30 PST all you have to do is click the zoom link!