Hello! My name is John. I will talk about some rules of a heart chess.
If your opponent is attacking your king, then you are in check. For example bishop moves here. And it is attacking your king. In this position you have three options. You may block the way, either with a pawn, with a bishop, with a knight or with a tiger. That is, the first option is blocking the way. The second option is to move your king out of check. And you may move your king here. Now none of the pieces is attacking your king. Of course king cannot move here, it is illegal, because bishop is attacking this square. The third way is to capture the piece which is attacking. So, if you are in check you have three options: Number one is blocking, and number two is moving your king out of check. The third one is to capture the piece that is attacking. Let’s say we block and we move here The next move is here. In this position knight cannot move, because if it moves it exposes the king. The movement of the knight here is
Illegal. It means that you cannot expose your king.
The goal of the game is to trap the opponent’s king. So that no matter what he does
you can capture it on the next move. At this point the game ends. Let’s say in this position the tiger moves here and in the next move no matter what opponent does the tiger captures the king. And at this point the game ends. A lot of people around the world play a classical chess. In a classical chess we have got rules like castling, en passant. Castling is about moving the king and the rook at the same time. And en passant is related with a pawn. These rules are not available in a heart chess. I think it makes the game more interesting and exciting. That is no en passant, no castling.
When we talk about the chess, coordinates are important. The first part coordinates is a file or columns. For example, a file, b file, c file, d, e, f, g, h, i, j. The second part of a coordinate is a rank or rows. First rank, second rank, third rank, four, five, six, eight, nine, ten. For example, in this position the white Queen king is on f1. Yellow king is on f 10. This heart is on a 9.
Now we gonna have quiz and quotations. Enjoy the game. See you again.