The masks we wear

2016-07-10 6

Human behavior. It is the very thing which defines us all. In good ways and in bad, it can be a catalyst for how we act and interact with others.
As a species we are capable of both acts of great kindness and of appalling and brutal atrocities. And in this book we examine many of the traits which can sometimes encumber our morality.
Born into a savage civil war, the author became accustomed to casual violence and the wicked deeds that people do. It became a part of who he was and he has, since that time, worked hard to work out how religion, politics and human characteristics come to determine what it is that makes some people truly evil.
Just Google it (The Masks We Wear by Illich Perez), its at pay hip and download it today, for an insight into human behavior like you’ve never experienced before.