'Chewbacca mom' sings an emotional tribute to Dallas victims

2016-07-10 52

'Chewbacca mom' sings an emotional tribute to Dallas victims
Chewbacca mom' has gone from making you laugh to making you cry with this singing tribute to Dallas victims
Chewbacca mom’ sings ‘Heal the World’ after tragic shooting in Dallas
Chewbacca Mom Sings Heartfelt Song In Grief Over Latest Violence

Candace Payne, who shot to prominence as the 'Chewbacca mom' sings an emotional tribute to Dallas victimsh

Candace Payne sang a moving cover of Michael Jackson classic from her Texas home as she struggled to come to terms with a sad week which 1.2m in a matter of hoursThe woman who became an Internet sensation with a hilarious clip of herself laughing infectiously while wearing a Chewbacca mask has returned to the limelight with a new video.

But this time Candace Payne, or Chewbacca mum as she is better known, was making viewers cry instead of laugh as she paid tribute slain Dallas cops.

In her new Facebook live video, the Texan sang a moving version of Michael Jackson's 'Heal the world' while accompanying herself on the piano.

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The viral star prefaced her performance with an explanation, saying: "I am thousands of miles, hundreds of miles away from really identifying with every single ounce of pain that I know is being felt by the whole world right now.'

She added: “I’ve been spreading joy and I’ve been hoping to do that, but I found myself over the last couple days being silent because I’ve been so sad and so hurt by what’s going on.”

The 37-year-old also explained that Dallas, where the slaughter of five cops took place last week, was just 30 minutes from her home.

The video had over a million views just hours after Candace had created it.

Candace Payne shot to Internet fame in May when her joyous four minute video of herself trying on a Star Wars mask and laughing riotously quickly racked up millions of views and shares.

She has since appeared on chat shows, been invited to Facebook HQ and even has her own action figure.
Tag: Chewbacca ,mom,sings ,tribute ,Dallas ,victims