Former Georgia Officer Linked To Deaths Of Three Dogs

2016-07-07 16

An investigation into the passing of a retired K-9 has linked a former Georgia school police officer to the deaths of 2 additional dogs.

In June, Daniel Peabody of Cherokee County, Georgia told authorities that he forgot he’d left his dog Inca, a retired K-9 officer, in a locked car, notes WGCL. 
The animal died as a result, and an investigation into the incident has linked Peabody, who until recently worked as school police officer, to the deaths of two additional animals. 
As part of the inquiry, authorities asked what had become of Dale, the retired K-9 Peabody had adopted back in 2012. 
The Washington Post is reporting that investigators were told the animal choked to death when a toy became lodged in his throat, but later learned the canine perished due to being shot in the head by the former school officer. 
A search for more information about Dale’s passing landed law enforcement at Peabody’s previous home in a nearby county. 
Authorities dug there and turned up remains, but later found they belonged to yet another deceased dog believed to be Inca’s grandparent. 
Peabody has since hired a lawyer and is no longer cooperating with the investigation, according to WSB. 

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