Australian Partner Visa-how to apply for an Australian partner visa

2016-07-06 10

Australian Partner Visa-how to apply for an Australian partner visa- visit to learn more.

The Australian partner visa process is a long road and with application fees close to $7,000 with possible increases soon, the road keeps getting longer. I’ve watched the prices of fees go up and couples struggling to get things together. I’ve seen couples get ripped off my migration agents who take their money and give them nothing of value. I’ve seen this all myself because I am an immigration lawyer and I have also gone through the process myself.

That’s why I wrote the plain English companion guide to applying for an Australian Partner Visa or Prospective Marriage Visa. It’s a step-by-step instruction manual on how to get through the process.
It covers the main topics of:
• What is an Australian partner visa
• Who can get an Australian partner visa
• What is the process to get an Australian partner visa
• The costs of an Australian partner visa
• How long it will take to get an Australian partner visa
• What are the requirements of an Australian partner visa both for the sponsor and the applicant
• Australian Partner Visa-how to apply for an Australian partner visa
• How to prove your relationship
• Good and bad examples of statutory declarations and personal written statements
• In-depth examples of evidence to provide to prove your relationship
• How to format and organise your application, whether it be online or offline
• The process after submitting your application
• Where to get further help
I’ve also prepared over 9 checklists, forms and samples plus 2 completed applications for demonstration purposes. But most importantly, it comes with lifetime access to unlimited updates so that you’ll be on top of any changes to legislation and rules around the Australian partner visa.
Two personal experiences motivated me to write this book. After applying for my own partner to stay in Australia, it suddenly hit me that many other couples apply by themselves without any legal knowledge and expertise. Then the visa application fees increased to almost $7,000 and I knew for sure now that no one will enlist the help of an immigration lawyer or migration agent. People were going to risk their visa application fees because they couldn’t possibly afford more fees but I cannot stress enough the importance of getting sound immigration advice.
You can do your own Australian partner visa application if you have a good level of English. But just because you can do it yourself, doesn’t mean you need to go it alone. I wrote this book to hold your hand through the process and to keep you on the right track.
Australian Partner Visa-how to apply for an Australian partner visa
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