Bloodborne - Chalice Dungeon (Vs. All Bosses) Round 1

2016-07-06 12

1. Lower Hintertomb:
- 00:00. (Vs. Brainsucker)
- 02:20. (Vs.Forgotten Madman/ Madman’s Escort.
- 03:51. (Vs. Pthumerian Elder)
2. Pthumerian Labyrinth:
- 08:04. (Vs. Undead Giant)
- 09:20. (Vs. Merciless Watcher/Watcher Chieftain)
- 10:07. (Vs. Watchdog of the Old Lord)
3. Central Pthumerian:
- 11:23. (Vs. Beast – possesed Soul)
- 12:13. (Vs. Keeper of the Old Lords)
- 13:29. (Vs. Pthumerian Descendant)