Ben Carson’s Tweet Advising Restraint Believed To Be Directed At Trump

2016-07-06 17

On Tuesday morning, former presidential hopeful Ben Carson took to Twitter to share some advice about communicating via the Internet. Many believe the comment was aimed at Donald Trump.

On Tuesday morning, former presidential hopeful Ben Carson took to Twitter to share some advice about communicating via the Internet, notes Business Insider. 
He wrote, “Social media provides a great platform for discourse, but we must be careful with the messages we send out." 
Many believe the comment was aimed at Donald Trump, who has been under scrutiny for a weekend tweet directed at Hillary Clinton.
According to WPMT, it featured an image of a 6-pointed star juxtaposed with a pile of money, and read, “most corrupt candidate ever!”
Trump has since claimed the image was not anti-Semitic and that the "Dishonest media is trying their absolute best to depict a star in a tweet as the Star of David rather than a Sheriff's Star, or plain star!"