Canvas Mix - Chroma Gun Gameplay #2

2016-07-04 5

Canvas Mix - Chroma Gun Gameplay #2.Smash the LIKE!! :D

Get on your feet and test ChromaTec’s state-of-the-art military-grade color-technology: The ChromaGun (patent pending)! Use it to solve the meticulously designed test chambers by painting the walls and droids. Remember how to mix colors from pre-school? Congratulations, you qualify! (By the way, it's ChromaGun, not Chroma Gun)

ChromaGun is a first person puzzler about colors – you don't kill, you don't hurt (except maybe the feelings of the WorkerDroids, but they're not very nice to begin with). Use the ChromaGun to colorize walls and WorkerDroids to progress in the chambers. Droids are attracted to walls of the same color. Also, if you paid attention in pre-school, the concept we like to refer as “mixing” should ring a bell.
● App on Store :

● What i use to record :

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