"knocked out"
It amazes me
that so many
n" />
"knocked out"
It amazes me
that so many
Muhammad Ali
"knocked out"
It amazes me
that so many
not have read
the comic.
All-New Collectors' Edition
v1 # C-56 (April, 1978)
had to "lose"
... to be able to run
in the mask of Bundini Brown
to the sub-space communikation
while Ali as the "winner"
distracted the folks by
his fight against Hun'Ya.
To order as
"Imperial Excellency"
the enemy fleet,
that threaten the Earth,
to return to Bodace with
the full-fleet at warp-speed.
Then he flew out
with a space ship
from the red
solar radiation
... to destroy
with super powers
the enemy fleet.
would have won
Ali had can run
in the mask of Bundini Brown
to the sub-space communikation
to order as "Imperial Excelleny"
the enemy fleet, to return to Bodace
with the full-fleet at warp-speed, ...
... while Superman
as the winner distracted
the folks by his fight
against Hun'Ya?
The Earth
would have
been destroyed.
The fight is
since it was
agreed between
Ali and Superman
--for Earth!
Muhammad Ali:
17. Januar 1942
- 3. Juni 2016