Quand Un Chat Décide De Faire Baigner Un Autre Chat Dans La Piscine À Mourir De Rire

2016-06-29 12

Yep.. don't know why people are down voting you when this is the truth. The sour is usually vinegar and tomato, and the sweet is from sugar.

Will need to a bit of creativity to make a sour sauce, and a sweet sauce separately so that it blends into sweet and sour sauce.
[] They use this at Real Madrid tour to showcase individual player trophies or momentos behind glass that shows stats, photo and stuff. Definitely awesome.
[] me
[] Not a customer but an acquaintance. She was giving me a ride somewhere when I noticed her tire pressure light was on. I told her that her air was low and she said "Oh, that's what that means?!" She said it had been on for months but she ignored it because nothing was going wrong with the car. We went to a gas station and I showed her how to put air into them and helped her fill them. The next day she took her car to Hyundai to get it checked out because she "wasn't sure I know what I was doing". Fucking what?
[] Not that I seen, but I hear Orange is the New Black is fairly accurate when it comes to the female federal prisons.
[] When your network has been saying obama is building a force of isis warriors to take your factory jobs...you have to go to 11 for actual risks
[] Try reading the article before contributing.
[] Throw yourself in at the deep end, that's how I got over awkwardness
[] He looks bored as hell ... and hungry.
[] In theory (and practice), this should be acknowledged by some type of multiple comparisons correction. Of course, in theory, you should state all the variables you're going to examine beforehand and not go rummaging for correlations after the test is finished.
[] Magic mushrooms. My birthday was a few days ago, I enjoyed a smoothie that included a quarter ounce of high quality boomers and proceeded to watch random shit on Youtube for eight hours. I laughed until I cried watching Jeopardy and the Price is Right, so needless to say things like Trigger Happy TV and The Eric Andre show drove me up the wall.

This clip from the Eric Andre show sticks out in my mind.
[] It's a mix of entitlement and the dehumanization of retail staff.
[] Ok...
[] "Do you have any lightbulbs?"

"Miss... This is Subway."

"But do you have any lightbulbs?"

"Subway is a food store."

"Why are you avoiding my question?"

"Because this is Subway, not the hardware store"
[] No way
[] Phone rings

Picks up

Me: "Thank you for choosing Dominos in Lansing. How can i help you?"

Caller:"Is this the Dominos in Lansing?"

Me: "...Yes"
[] Thanks for the great reply, but can I ask a follow on question. I heard someone recently saying that it might be more helpful to think of global warming as global weather energy because warming has better connotations than extreme weather but we could more easily understand that energy is what drives hurricanes, droughts, floods etc, so my question is this, are high cat hurricanes something the southern states are going to have to get more used to?
[] That doesn't mean that all carbohydrates are sugar.
[] By that logic PSVR will have the best developer support. And if Microsoft decides to make a deal with Oculus and have it support Xbox One or Scorpio then it too can feasibly have better developer support than the Vive.
[] there are some dumb ones at the gun counter for sure...sold guns as a hobby for a while and delt with some very interesting characters..."I have a felony can I buy this with out a background check?" no sir you cant please leave
[] Don't forget Prime members also get 20% off video games when you pre-order and Prime membership is half off with a student email.
[] Ugh that sucks. Where I work you can just buy one and it's always the sale price. And even if a customer doesn't have their store "loyalty" card the cashiers will always just scan one for you.
[] I dont believe you till you post a source
[] I find it's a practice thing, actually. It's like when I was first figuring out Reddit or any kind of forum/social media, trial and error.
[] Yes they are. The vast majority of native Hong Kongers want democracy and independence.

Hong Kong wasn't always a part of China, that's why they resisting.
