Pakistani Wrestler Nay Over Smart Boxer Kay Sath Kya Kiya

2016-06-29 9

You can't buy happiness but you can buy a acer predator x34 and a gtx 1080 and that's pretty much the same thing as pure happiness
[] 5'11, 68kg.
[] You are not wrong. I was just saying that they exist.
[] 5'2", 140 lbs. Why?
[] Is the DVD in this case?
(The DVD case is wrapped in plastic)
Yes it is. (Hang on. Let me perform some magic and insert the disc in magically.)
[] My mom had two other kids with him. She was poor too (obviously, not like him). She couldn't handle the stress of 3 children by herself. I was the most bold child, so he offered to take me.

On an amusing note, he's managed to bag at least 3 chicks lol. He is currently married to a mail order bride. My sister and I laugh because she's probably like "are you kidding me??? I could have stayed in my country if I wanted to live in these conditions!!"
[] Permanently.
[] OP do you happen to be drinking form a Pint glass from Black Donkey Beer? They laser etch a donkey into the bottom of the glass.
[] Biscuit? Isn't that a bread roll? thick is that slab of cheese? :-s
[] How much more will this laptop weight once the hard drive is full?
4:56 run

timer says 4:57

[] Eh, most surviving children of top Nazis are very remorseful about their parents' actions. I believe some (Göring's children, I believe) have even vowed to have no children themselves, in order to let the name die out. So maybe a hypothetical Hitler Jr. might even be deeply respected.
[] My family used to own a small convenience store. There was a lady that constantly came in with wierd questions/requests. The first time she came in walked to the back/employee only area only to ask if she put cheese in the oven if it would melt. Umm...yes? She also called the store on another occasion and asked "I know you don't sell stamps but do you sell stamps?" You kind of answered your own question ma'am. This same person also used to come in and get sliced deli meat. "Can I get 27 cents of sliced ham?" Then proceed to pay by check. One of the oddest people I've ever met. A family owned small business in a very small town made for some very odd encounters.
[] Not much at all. The US was rather engaged in its own business prior to WW1.
Don't forget the civil was and the history of states joining the union though.
[] I was the same way. But instead of trendy people reading them it was 30 year old cat ladies.
[] We need a counter-thread. Tall men: How short is too short?
[] Skin Diamond.
I think I finally get to be that guy.
[] This is why I love my university. No professors are required to publish, but are given the means to do just about any research they want. It means the professors can actually spend years on a single important thing if it's what they care about.
[] [rend them asunder] .......yes, I just read that......and I shall use it in a sentence sometime today.
[] why in the first place banks allowed to be publicly traded?
[] The same
[] It was such a freakin hilarious comment thread. The further he went the more downvotes he got.
[] How is being afraid of Black Lives Matter supporters racist? Since when is being a 'supporter' equal to 'race'?

His story (the way that it is written in this article) shakes on various points, and I wouldn't be suprised if his money (yes money, NOT race!) played a part in him not being arrested.
[] Working Girl 2049? I'd actually pay to see that.

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