Mya Ironise Les Rumeurs

2016-06-29 6

YouTube captions are done automatically using speech recognition for almost all of the videos. To caption them manually the cost would be astronomical even for just the English ones. The captions on YouTube will continue to be bad until speech recognition technology improves.
[] They sales rep didn't tell me they accepted debit cards with PIN or I would have gotten a membership because I only have mastercards
[] wow this is amazing its never been posted before
[] This is the best fucking sentiment ever.
[] Just goes to show that some people would buy any shit with an Apple logo on it!
[] Yup!
[] Oh goody, something I can answer. So me and a few of my friends were having a few smokes and sitting on this ledge, where below us was a big drop and a tree. We set up a can and the aim was to hit the can with our shoes. One of my friends stayed down there so that he could throw the shoes back up. Anyway... After a good few rounds of it he goes to throw my shoe back up and it hits a branch of the tree and just drops straight down into a hole that was at the bottom of the ledge. The gap in this hole is about a foot in diameter and seemed at least 10 foot deep. Needless to say I walked home in one shoe that day!
[] Sorry For That title The title is

GTA 5 Wrestling And Street Fighting Like in WW
[] Pedophilia is dangerous and disgusting.
[] I'm going to have to disagree. I have plenty of certs, nobody gives a shit about certs except the government. Hell, places like Amazon don't even respect their own certs. Go look up job requirements on the AT&T website. The drought of qualified people is over. They can afford to be choosy now, and they will be.
[] Fries and salad sauce.
[] I went to one this past weekend. They have very strict rules. One person per trampoline, no sitting on the trampolines, no double flips or bounces between trampolines and there was a trampoline lifeguard at each station. They also had everything split up by size. So kids couldn't play dodgeball or jump in the same area as adults.
[] Just a joke, mate.
[] Didn't he have a .357 though?
[] I would change that and say they MIGHT get some answers. True, meditation can be very enlightening, but I feel like going into it expecting results isn't going to lead to what's truly going on.
[] Thank you. It was stupidly high abuse of Xanax that I was warned about from my D&A clinic regarding seizures.

I always assumed the same would happen to me if I went without my Suboxone.
[] I've been watching the latest season on Netflix, and even the writers know it sucks. There have been some very noticeable moments where they pretty much admit the show is shitty. Like the ending to Heartbreak dog, where Peter says "And the winner is nobody, especially not you." while pointing at the audience. And the only reason this stood out to me is because they've done stuff like this in the other episodes of that season too. It's not done in a humorous satirical way either, more like a plea for help to just let the show end.
[] Did you get her? Isn't the link at the top for shelters?
[] At least beer enthusiasts (and non beer enthusiasts) can actually tell the difference between 2 different beers.
[] All it takes is one marijuanas.
[] You could try playing without fast travel and having your character use melee, magic, ranged, and stealth. It's so fun
[] I understood that reference.
[] OP's mom
[] He shouted "Farci" in I Got Scared
[] Can we just ban DailyMail from Worldnews? I'm getting real sick of this sensationalist fearmongering taken at face value by people who think the dailymail is a reputable source of news.