Gudmundur Benediktsson À La Fin Du Match Contre L'angleterre

2016-06-28 17

You forgot gunny sarnt.
[] Work in a carwash when i take off the antenne and give it to customers often they just stare and ask what is that.
[] But Police are also just witnesses when it comes to testimony like the example above.

In fact, because police were involved in the conflict, they have an implicit conflict of interest to make sure the testimony favors them. In a discussion of just words, I'll trust a random witness over the police on that basis alone, all else equal.
[] I worked at a place that was open 24 hours. Customer on the phone asked how late we were open.
[] They still take nutrients from the soil.
[] Hello, I was a victim of minor sexual abuse at the hands of Pedophiles as a child. I want to say thank you for not acting on your urges. Everyone has bad thoughts, but to do the extra step to do something is terrible. It might be difficult for you, but again, please stay strong and don't do anything you might regret :D

mens rea vs actus rea. thoughts aren't illegal, but actions are.
[] True that. The beta could not have been more fucky, and even after BF4 which was terribly buggy everyone is still just yelling, "BATTLEFIELD, YEAH THIS IS GONNA BE SO GOOD."
[] Pretty sure that's not legal. Like... you are incurring a debt for services rendered and not paying it... at the very least it's fraud.
[] I work as a cashier at a few overt store and our lanes have lights and ropes to signify if we are open or not. I'll have people ask me if I'm open when my rope is up and says THIS LANE IS CLOSED... I've also had people ask me if I'm closed when I'm checking someone out and my light is on and the rope isn't up... people, come on.
[] Not possible. The prisons are overfilled with people convicted of nonviolent drug know, the real criminals. /s
[] Maybe they didn't hear you.
[] Here is an example of what I did. Everywhere I look I see 7000', but I guess it could be 700' for all I know.

Not my video BTW.
[] Good to know my brain still works. Also, what's so hitlerrific about you? Is it the haircut?
[] ok
[] Christmas tree:
50℅ Christmas
50℅ Tree
[] Arrowsmith, you say? Yeah, yeah, dude looks like a douchebag!

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[] Worked in a supermarket butcher shop.
Customer asked me one day how I could live with myself killing all those animals everyday.
She would not believe me that we didn't kill the animals here.
[] That's just sad for the human race :/
[] They certainly don't consider making 1400 people (train capacity) late for work too
[] If I was the guy on the board, don't say anything to me. I don't want to know. I might panic and shit.
[] /r/politics

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but in the Army you'll hear guys saying it a good amount.

Had a kid in Basic call one of the Drill Sergeants "Sarge". You could hear the gasp from the rest of us. Kid never lived it down.

Never heard anyone call a sergeant "Sarge" the entire rest of my five-year stint. "Sarn't" is how you say it casually.
[] There's a reason why they say 3 cameras for roomscale.

The rift's camera is 100x70 with a range of about 12 feet. The Vive's lighthouse has a fov of 120 with a recommended range of 16 feet (some have messured the bases stations as far as 27 feet apart) . You don't even need to do the math to see that the coverage of the lighthouse system is much larger.

I attempted to get coverage in my living room with my rift and I couldn't even get to my couch which isn't that far away. Covering the whole room would be much more difficult and would likely require more than 3 cameras. Meanwhile my vive can track the whole room and it's in a less than optimal configuration.

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