Girl Slaps Police Officer In Station

2016-06-28 7

[] Just like Comic Sans!
[] You ok bro?

You need a hug?
[] Someone once asked me how to seal an envelope. I told him that you lick it first and then stick the flap down. He looked at me like I was crazy. He was definitely an immigrant of some kind but still, a grown man asking you how envelopes work is a bit surprising.
[] Gauging by this it would seem this is a young person using a card for the first time. So she probably comes from a wealthy family.
[] I'll be sick your mouth ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
[] "Well... Yeah you can give them 10K... But who wants 10K on a card you could break easily?"
[] I was sitting at our front counter last week and this senior Viet Namese couple came in, handed me a survey of a lot and started speaking Viet Namese to me. We issue municipal licences, so I can see how they might have thought they were in the right place. I'm very obviously Northern European looking, so I do not know how they thought I'd understand them.

My coworkers all ran away. I owe them for that one.
[] Hello korbendallas,

This comment will be deleted shortly, but my reply to it will stick around.

Thank you.
[] I have a phone X and it is the best phone ever.

Disclaimer: I get paid to promote phone X
[] Stfu, for a long time i thought this was short for 'stuff you' turns out it means 'shut tue fuck up'
[] A Texas Power Ranger!
[] Just need positive things like this!gotta put the shit together
[] Thinking of you in Australia. Stay safe x
[] My grandpa had great teeth while my father doesn't. It's all about the diet. My grandpa avoided sweet stuff unlike my dad.
[] lol I was at the game yesterday and everyone got tired of Hamill's shit real quick.
[] Odor knows a thing or two about illegal slides...hilarious how ranger fans justify that punch cause of the slide but yet never bring up the fact that odor is known for dirty slides. Big deal Bautista did a bat was a huge home run for the jays.
[] Did you just sort by top, then read down a few pages so nobody would suspect, and pick this exact thought to regurgitate?
[] Art is anal trees?
[] "do you work here?"
Nope, I wear this uniform vest for fun.
[] To guide the offspring to happily do the same. Then reap the rewards of grandchildren that you don't have to be responsible for 24/7.
[] People make candied carrots, they roast them with a brown sugar glaze.

I don't like it.
[] You sound like a real dick. It's not just the brainless morons you're inconveniencing by telling them lies like that, but the in overt retail workers who are now going to be subjected to the shopper's irrational rage - which is now going to be compounded by the fact that they were just told by an employee not two minutes ago that they would be given a $20 gift card if they came to speak to Shoshanna!
[] What does that even mean?
[] Link to the Past