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2016-06-28 7

No its cuz US does
[] You can still find hijabless women in Caira and Baghdad dude. They were elite then and are still elite now.

Wahhabism isn't changing the fact Southern Iraq is an Islamist dump just as much as Anbaar/Mosul area
[] "No, it comes with Booty, Liquor, and THC."
[] Aaand I'm late but: I work in a cinema and a guest walked up to me dead serious and asked: is this a cinema?
[] My coworker is in her 50s but was just hired at my company as a new college grad. When her kids left the house, she decided to go back to school and get a new degree and change career fields. Right when she "finished" all of her life goals, she started new ones. And she's great at her job!

I think she has the right idea. Assuming you have the financial ability, now is the time for you to do all those "I wish I had..." things.

"I wish I had finished college..." go finish it now!

"I wish I had travelled more when I was young..." travel now!

"I wish I hadn't given up on my dream of being a painter/guitarist/photographer/chef..." you have literally half your life left, plenty of time to go do these things!
[] This should be at the top.
[] geopolitics are fun & simple!

Russia does not like the above plan.
The U.S. does.

[] No date stamp, assume it's fake
[] Refer does not rhyme with deafer.
Fe0ffer does, and zephyr, heifer

Ha, heifer.
[] Me when young
[] Damn now i feel the urge again
[] I worked at a big home improvement store during college and had an older man pull me aside to ask what the height of the water was on a toilet was because he was tired of his balls dipping in the water we took a crap. I didn't think it was that important of a question but the older I get the more worried I am about the same thing.
[] The PSVR bundle has everything you need (sans an actual PS4) for 500.
[] Grand Tour said they'll be releasing updates soon on their social media about this. There are a lot of countries in this situation.
[] I only work 3 1/2 days a week and get 6 hours of vacation time every 2 weeks.
[] "Are these your Black Friday prices?"

It was Tuesday.
[] Worked at a major outdoor retail store in the winter sports section. Had a customer ask how a pair of ski gloves is supposed to fit.
[] "So, can you do it for cheaper?"
[] yeah the price tag litterally confirms he's in Japan...I never though that the currency in japan was the dollar...
[] Better handwriting than I ever had... Goddamnit.
[] ..and thus the cycle continues..
[] Thanks for taking the time to type that out. I was about to write the same joke, but as I was thinking how to phrase it I lost interest.
[] That's all about the budget. Also, do you get any benefits at all? The starting wage locally for a pharmacy tech here is less than $15/hr, but they factor in benefits as part of the "total compensation package." To be fair, the benefits are outstanding.

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