Euro 2016 L'équipe D'islande Célèbre La Victoire Avec Ses Supporteurs

2016-06-28 15

Leaving the tv/radio volume on an odd number.
[] eye round is one of my favorite "minute steak" cuts. Rub it with equal parts cumin, coriander, black or white pepper, and kosher salt and get it to medium rare at most with a nice crispy sear on the outside.
[] For what crimes should this guy be jailed? Being an iconic businessman?
[] "What is roast beef?"

This was in a college dining hall...
[] death goals
[] Does she know you're in love with her?
[] I played a lot of sports and only got one participation trophy. I'm 29 now for what era I grew up. All the rest of my awards were earned someway. And I have thrown out everything except the first place awards.

Kids don't want to be patted in the head. They want to be challenged. And those that don't are the ones that need to be the most.
[] Slow day at Mickey D's. (2015)

Customer: "How much is the $1.99 smoothie?"

Me: "Oh, well, after tax, it's just $2.11."

Customer: "No, not after tax. Before tax, how much is it?"

Me: "uhh.....huh. $1.99?"

Customer: (shoots me a dirty look) I know that. I'm asking you how much is it really?"

Me: "......$2.11, ma'am."

Customer: "The hell is your problem? I'm trying to get a smoothie and you're giving me attitude. Can't you hear? Are you fucking stupid or something?"

Me: "No, ma'am. No, I'm not."

I get reprimanded by the manager in front of the customer for not assisting her probably and being rude. Customer buys an "ICE CREAM CONE!" and leaves triumphant.

Manager (under his breath): "Crazy puta."
[] Fill up the rest of your freezer space with gallon zip lock bags full of water before you go so they freeze. Your shit will stay frozen, or at the very least still cold enough to save most things, for several extra days.
[] Fuck...
[] RIP brangelina Joe Lee
[] Hell hound
[] thats like 4 c-sections
[] It always seems to be the ones without guns that are paranoid at all times.. We even pad the numbers for "gun violence" to include justified self defense and suicide and still don't have the crime rate people seem to think we do.
[] But you don't understand, he has an opinion
[] First cold beer of the weekend.
[] Haven't read the book since the 90's, but as I recall in Blade Runner 2, Rachael was kept in cryostatis to prolong her life and woken up every now and again.
[] The environment is perfectly safe, I'm not a helicopter pet owner my cats are perfectly capable of entertaining themselves. And animals getting on your property is a fact of life, man up and deal with it you sanctimonious bellend.
[] I lived in Canada for a year, and it took me literally months to learn to say 'to go' instead of 'takeaway.'
[] Made me laugh.
So it starts out small, and ends up big, right?

The original concept was a solid sphere. That's why it has been refined to swarm version which can start at any size and just change orbit of it's parts if as needed, eventually splitting off to multiple layers.
[] While he question wasn't dumb, the reasoning behind the question was pretty dumb... a customer had asked me if we sold screws in inches. I assumed he just wanted help converting mm to inches.

So I went into the aisle and showed him the size conversion chart that we had made. Nope no luck. He was convinced I was trying to trick him and it ended with his statement 'well my builder sent me to get a box of screws that are inches and you clearly don't have any here. Thank you bye.'

To this day I have no idea what he thought inches were (I did ask him if he meant hinges but he said no and he didn't have an accent either). I hope his quest to find 'inches screws' was eventually completed.
[] In the UK no company explicitly says your paying for the 'free' router/modem, however they also typically ask for it back when the contract expires.

Virgin Media though are a little extortionate as they are the only cable company, everyone else uses BT's phone lines.
[] I worked for a retail store for many years, selling bags. Customers would always ask me, "What should I put in this pocket?" Ummm how about whatever the fuck you want? I duno let me just come up with something random, "Ummm, your cell phone?" then I would have to come up with something random for every damn pocket. Ugh. Its a pocket, put things in it. ANY thing. Seriously.
[] Well yes, that's why I would suggest not even using a VPN - just don't do anything dodge and keep it out in the open.

The internet is no longer anonymous and free, it's now just a place to read the government and media approved trash on the whole. It makes me sad.