As Varias Formas Como As Pessoas Trocam De Velocidade

2016-06-28 3

Are you sorry for lying?
[] Coworker asked me how many quarters where in the hockey game I was watching.

Well Dave, if there were quarters, there would be four of them because thats what quarters do...
[] The idea that global warming is real and that there needs to be action taken now. As an environmental scientist in training, it drives me fucking nuts when people refuse to accept that we are fucked if we don't do anything.
[] A dark time...
[] I should better ask for the "infinite economy growth"
Do you think it is possible on a finite planet?
[] Kind of like how we grow our hair or get taller?

(Thanks to Alan Watts.)
[] Pain. It helps us avoid danger and stay alive but it also makes us suffer, sometimes without a reason and serving no pourpose.
[] Beers
[] I should better ask for the "infinite economy growth"
Do you think it is possible on a finite planet?
[] He's got 2 watches on because it's always time to diddle.
[] /r/thanksabomasnow
[] Can you imagine if someone posted an article entitled “Could X’s Sexual Assault Accusation Have Been Staged?”
What happened to taking someone (a woman specifically) at their word until LEGITIMATE evidence comes out to make us think otherwise? Bitches always be lying for attention, I guess!!
[] thats the non winners, not the rejected
[] Lol
[] Anytime I'm sad, Chairman, my cat, will rub against my face and purr. Which is nice, except I have a cat allergy, so my eyes swell shut. But, hey, then people don't know I was crying, right?

Cats are great. Navi is an awesome name for a bengal cat.
I don't believe I'm better than anybody

You talk as if you somehow think you're better than the ones you're calling hypocrites.
[] Q-tip
[] I have a vague memory of early cable using some sort of weird box for changing the channel. A lot of buttons but not a 0-9 thing - more like a long row of switches or toggles.
[] Because he's black, that's why
[] This was what I wanted to do as a kid and watching them break through to the eye is really, really cool, but the fact that they're hanging a lucky rabbit's foot in there makes me realize I probably made a better choice settling for my current desk job.
[] thank you!
[] My mom had more of an issue that she claimed to have been locked in the bathroom. Most (if not all) bathrooms lock from the inside.
[] Nailcutters
[] I... still have this problem. Home phone rings, the internet cuts out. We don't have dial up, we have normal Australian internet, and we've tried a bunch of different things but the problem persists. It's just something we've accepted at home. If someone's doing something important online they tell the rest of the household to not answer the phone.

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