Little Cats Helping BIG Cats! #TreatTheirWildSide

2016-06-27 12

Domestic cats are essentially mini tigers, Cole and Marmalade are both under 15lbs but at times they sure have the catitude of a 500lb tiger! … Now you can #TreatTheirWildSide with the new line of all-natural cat treats from H3 Essentials that are helping to raise awareness for Big Cat Rescue and their mission :)


For International orders contact us at:

The treats are 100% US made, grain-free, all-natural, good for kitty dental hygiene and I'm very proud to be a part of this campaign… I worked as the videographer at Big Cat Rescue for 7 years and the sanctuary is doing grrreat work to help big cats around the world, learn more here:

Thanks fur your support everyone!