Not using words of love leads to illnesses whereas using them brings a sense of relief

2016-06-27 7

ADNAN OKTAR: The youth are raised to be very aggressive; I see that most of them are very violent. I saw a movie on TV today, and also it can be clearly seen on the Internet that the youth are both virtually violent and loveless. For one thing, it is necessary to make love widespread. Let’s bring love forward with the help of the government and writers. Lovelessness devastates people, it is really horrible. If the words of love are spoken more frequently, people will be influenced by this. In other words, people would cherish if the beauty of love is mentioned. Even if they don’t know how to love, they will be influenced, captivated by the words of love. Otherwise, as long as they write hateful things, they will not be able to escape the clutches of hatred. The hateful writings enslave them, the letters and the blasphemous words hypnotize them. However, if they let love hypnotize them, they would feel its influence growing on themselves every day. If they were to write, utter a word of love just for once, there would be no end to it as love would envelope them completely.

CEYLAN OZBUDAK: You have told us before Mr. Oktar, and it was imprinted on my mind. It is obvious that the teenagers, who constantly read Kafka and similar writers with a depressive tone, are affected negatively and captured by their words.

ADNAN OKTAR: Indeed. They say, “He devoured Kafka, man!”, in a sense they devour their own minds too. I don’t mean all of them but most of them are like this. For instance, they are significantly influenced by Nietzsche, and under his influence they develop deviant and repulsive opinions about God, religion, Islam, the Quran and everything. The youth believe that the more they argue and make innuendos at each other, the stronger their personalities become. How can a person have personality when they do not know love? First of all they must know love to be considered a human. If there is no love, then it is over.
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