Religion is about convenience and beauty. God informs us that He didn't create the religion for people to suffer through it

2016-06-27 12

ADNAN OKTAR: They think God will be pleased, if they complicate religion. Almighty God says, "Why should God punish you?" I seek refuge in God from satan. Almighty God says in a verse "Why should God punish you?" Praying day after day until one's heels go sore, saying "God give me patience" for ten thousand times, saying another verse for ten thousand times day after day… No, day after day they are killing Muslims. Instead, you should explain the truths of faith, explain the miracles in Quran, fight against the system of antichrist and satan. While you are staying at home, they are slowly destroying the Muslims. Besides, God never commands you to torment yourself. He says, praise God's name, but He doesn't say torment yourself. Praying until your heels go sore, that is a complete nonsense. Why are you praying until your heels go sore? These people think, the more they suffer, the closer they will be to God. Rumors like "Prophet (saas) would put a stone on his stomach to ease his hunger, he roamed the streets starving, he couldn't find anything to eat." What kind of non-sense rumors these are.

BULENT SEZGIN: God says "We will ease you to the easy way." 

OKTAR BABUNA: God says, "God desires ease for you; He does not desire difficulty for you," insha'Allah.

CAN DAGTEKIN: God says, "God does not wrong people in any way; rather it is people who wrong themselves."

ADNAN OKTAR: Masha'Allah.

GOKALP BARLAN: God says, "We did not send down the Quran to you to make you miserable."

ADNAN OKTAR: In the 78th verse of Surah Al-Hajj, Almighty God commands: "He has selected you and not placed any constraint upon you in the religion – the religion of your forefather Abraham." [Surah Al-Hajj, 78] Why would you want hardship? In this world there are paintings, there is music, you can have fun, play, pray, travel, swim. Being a Muslim does not mean destroying your life. You are considering every lawful thing as if it were a sin. We ask this person what he is doing; and the answer is, "I think Allah may be pleased with this." Those are offered as a blessing from God. By destroying God's blessing you are fighting against God's religion.

In the second and third verse of Surah Ta Ha, Almighty God commands: "We did not send down the Quran to you to make you miserable" [Surah Ta Ha, 2]. I repeat, “We did not send down the Quran to you to make you miserable." A rational person would think, God says "We did not send down the Quran to you to make you miserable." Do you not understand? You are on the wrong path if you are experiencing hardship or suffering. Islam is a religion of ease. They feel obliged to compete with the Jews, don't they? The Jewish women can't touch their Book when they are on their periods; they are not allowed to do anything. In Judaism it is even said to "prison them inside a wooden shed." A whole week inside a wooden shed, "because every object they touch would be cursed." For example if they touch a food, it is thrown away, same with everything else. For that reason they are kept inside a wooden shed. These people are trying to do the same thing, they possess the same mentality.
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