Overwatch - Junkrat Chaos and Destruction (Heroes Guide)

2016-06-26 4

Overwatch - Junkrat Chaos and Destruction .Smash the like! :D

It's time for the freak of the week,for chaos and destruction.It's time for JUNKRAT! we are talking about a hero who loves to destroy and to make everyone go down down down.
Junkrat is a hero that is best in defending and area through the use of traps and indirect fire. He is a hero that does a lot of damage on the enemy and those who surround him. He has strong mobility thanks to the concussion mine and with his flag launcher his primary weapon he does a whole lot of damage.
We're talking about abilities and weapons that make this hero a great defensive hero. Total Mayhem is an ability that acts upon death when junkrat drops a number of grenades that explode after a short delay. If you're about to die and confronting an enemy in close range try to stand as near to him as possible because Total Mayhem can bring you a kill after death.
His primary weapon you all know it it's a grenade launcher with 5 ammo and with a fire rate of 1.66 rounds per second.The grenades are bouncing off of solid surfaces and explode when they hit an enemy or after a short period of time.The explosion from the grenades will damage junkrat so be wary of using them on targets that are right next to you.
The concussion mine when activated junkrat will toss a mine short distance that sticks to the first surface it hits dealing damage in a small area and knocking back both junkrat and any enemies caught in the explosion.
Steel Traps are not as efficient as his other abilities but as an advice try to plant this trap in shadowed areas or around corners where enemies will likely step on them.
RIP TIRE is junkrats highest damage ability. When activated junkrat temporarily gains control of a fast moving explosive tire. He can remotely detonate the RIP tire to deal serious damage to enemies caught in the blast or just wait for it to explode on its own.
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