Madden NFL 16 Connected Franchise Tips: Top 10 Sleeper QBs

2015-09-24 7

Our new series of Madden NFL 16 Connected Franchise Tips cover the top 10 QB sleepers you can trade for or develop in Madden 16. We have ignored the overalls and combined the ratings into position specific category’s which gave us a single number, that we turned into grades and combined them to get a ranking. Throughout this series, you’ll find who I think are the best players and sleepers in CFM!


Top 10 CFM Sleeper WRs out now!

Madden 16 Connected Franchise Tips: Top 10 Sleeper Running Backs:

Stay tuned for more Madden 16 Connected Franchise Tips as we bring you more analysis to get the most of our your rosters and tips to get your team to the the Super Bowl in your leagues.

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