Chronicles from the Future tells a remarkable story about a bizarre and incredible event experienced by Paul Amadeus Dienach, the author, who lived during the beginning of the previous century in central Europe. Dienach claims that during his one-year comatose state, brought about by a serious illness, his consciousness travelled to the future in a different body and stayed there for the entire duration of his coma. Although this sounds impossible and indeed fanciful, Dienach’s written account was taken very seriously by the Freemasons, who kept his book as a closely guarded secret. Now for the first time, Dienach’s diary has been properly prepared and edited, presenting the key elements of his story in an easy-to-read format, along with stunning illustrations that bring to life the true essence of his experience ( via ). This book could be life-changing, because if what it says is true, Dienach will show you what the future holds for humanity …Read here:
Properly presented for the first time (Watch video below)