Tattoo Thoughts Tag

2016-06-23 13

Hey Guy's!

In today's video I'm doing a tag video that I was tagged in by Gabby V12. She created the tag herself and its a very interesting tag about tattoos!

Her Video :

Questions :

1. What is your favorite tattoo style and why?
2. Who are your favorite artists?
3. What are your thoughts on “cliché tattoos”?
4. What do you think about tattoos when you’re older?
5. What’s a place on your body you would never get tattooed
6. If you had to get a tattoo today, what would it be?

Gabby's Channel ... GO SHOW HER SOME INKY LOVE!!

The Tattoo Artist's that I mentioned :

Mark Watson :
Sam Childs :
Ruby Quilter:
Nikko Hurtado:
Paul Acker :

Song :
Missogi - Lunar


Instagram: treacletatts
Twitter: @treacletatts
Snapchat: sharpie_x


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