Destiny: Dragon's Breath Challenge (Omnigul Nightfall)

2016-06-22 2

Sugary's first of many challenges: Complete the Omnigul Nightfall using only Dragon's Breath and punches.

We tried upping the difficulty immediately by also turning our HUD's off, that was a bad idea so we did switch them back on eventually, and primaries are only equipped so that we can get heavy ammo while punching enemies to death (due to Juggler being in effect)

p.s. this is what happens if you record using the Elgato Game Capture HD60 S or Pro with "Allow 60fps" being ticked while recording a 30fps game. The Elgato software speeds it up AND interpolates it, rendering it irreversible. I was somewhat excited when the patch notes for version 3.20.11 of the elgato software said it wouldn't record at incorrect framerates anymore, but as you can see here, even 3.20.16 still has this problem.

Fix your shit Elgato, I really don't want to switch to Avermedia.

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