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The MMS protocol was developed by Jim Humble, a gold miner and metallurgist, on an expedition into the jungles of Central America, looking for gold. It was a response to a need to help a member of his expedition who came down with malaria, more than two days away, through heavy jungle, from the next mine. After many years of experience, Humble always carried stabilized oxygen with him on such expeditions, to make local water potable. Facing the possibility of a quick loss of life, he gave it to the stricken man. To everyone’s amazement, he was well within a few hours. That sure seemed like a miracle, but Humble wanted to better understand what had just happened.Over the course of several years, Jim Humble figured out that what made stabilized oxygen so effective in some malaria cases, was not the oxygen at all, but the trace amounts of chlorine dioxide. Further research led him to come up with a way to produce hundreds, if not thousands more units of chlorine dioxide than what is found in stabilized oxygen. This is through using a higher concentrate of sodium chlorite (28% vs. 3% for stabilized oxygen), in conjunction with the activator. The proof of the efficacy of this simple protocol was in successfully helping over 75,000 people in several African nations – including Uganda and Malawi – rid themselves, primarily of malaria, but also hepatitis, cancer, and AIDS.-chlorine dioxide works for giving the immune system a new lease on life. Pharmaceutical companies profit from "treatments" not cures.You wont hear this on Oprah Winfrey or Larry king or cnn...
Chemtrails arrogant doctors diabetes dr mercola doctor metabolic health diet nutrition natural cure Pandemic autism Panacea H5N1 Bird Flu AIDS Hepatitis Tuberculosis Cancer Herpes HPV parasites Urinary Tract Infection Lyme Disease Stomach Ulcers Strep Throat Pneumonia Anthrax Tuberculosis Salmonella E.coli ...