Brisbane DUI Lawyers - Drink Driving Work Licence Solicitors

2016-06-19 10

For more information on DUI Representation & how to get a Drink Driving Work Licence in QLD visit our website -

DUI Video #TimeStamps

00:17 - Attended Brisbane Magistrates Court on a Middle Range DUI
00:50 - Plan B & alternate plans to get home safely fell apart
01:21 - We put on a Section 87 Restricted Work Licence Application
02:07 - We attended the 1st Court mention & obtained an adjournment
02:18 - Our client was eligible to apply for a Drink Driving Work Licence in QLD
02:55 - We prepared Affidavit Evidence & Application to be filed in Court
03:20 - We attended the final Court date to appear on the Sentence & Application Hearing
03:40 - Our client attended the QLD Traffic Offenders Program
04:25 - We presented persuasive oral arguments at the Court Hearing
05:17 - We needed to show the Court our client was a "Fit & Proper Person"
06:00 - Magistrate agreed with us & granted a Work Licence for 6 months
06:50 - Some restrictions applied to his Work Licence
07:25 - Client very happy with the result
07:55 - Visit our QLD Traffic Law website -
08:12 - Contact our Brisbane DUI Lawyers - 1300 232 953

In this DUI Video our professional Brisbane DUI Legal representative (Joshua Boorman) discusses a recent matter that he appeared on at the Brisbane Magistrates Court where his customer had actually been accuseded of a Middle Variety Drink Driving Offence where the Blood Alcohol Reading (BAC) was 0.135.

In relation to this matter we examined whether our client was qualified to get a Drink Driving Work Licence Qld. It ended up that he was but then we needed to evaluate whether we could gather the appropriate evidence to have a good chance at effectively obtaining a Section 87 Restricted Work Licence.

We needed to evaluate whether our customer would be viewed as a Fit & Correct Person" to be given a DUI Work Licence and also whether our customer would deal with "Substantial Financial Difficulty" if he was not able to drive for the purpose of carrying on his company.

We gather the right evidence and filed the proper Restricted Work Licence Application. We then participated in Court and effectively argued for our client to be granted a Drink Driving Work Licence in QLD.

Completion result was that the Court gave him a Restricted Work Licence for a duration of 6 months plus a $700 fine.

We had an exceptionally delighted client, whilst incredibly sorry and ashamed he was now able to make sure that he might continue working and focus on being a much safer road user in the future.

For professional drink Driving legal advice & representation please contact Joshua Boorman at:

Boorman Lawyers - Sydney | Brisbane | Gold Coast Solicitors

1300 941 900

Also find us here:


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