John McCain: Obama is 'directly responsible' for Orlando shooting

2016-06-16 4

Republican senator John McCain slammed President Obama for being "directly responsible" for the shooting at an Orlando gay nightclub last weekend in which 49 people were killed by an ISIS supporter.
McCain, who's had run-ins with Obama in the past, made the comment Thursday while Obama was in Orlando visiting with the families of those killed.
“Barack Obama is directly responsible for it, because when he pulled everybody out of Iraq, al-Qaida went to Syria, became ISIS, and ISIS is what it is today thanks to Barack Obama’s failures," McCain told reporters in the Capitol.
Democrats were quick to pounce on McCain's criticism, which led to the latter clarifying his comments in a tweet, where he said "I was referring to Pres Obama’s national security decisions that have led to rise of ISIL, not to the President himself."