- Zippo Tricks -
Petite vidéo "trip" d'un soir :D
Dans le meme esprit : http://www.dailymotion.com/deepblack/video/x3055x_deepblack-eating-a-mobile-phone_extreme
Music :
- Album "CONFUSED PEDESTRIAN" by b.hantoot
- Track 03 / Consonant Ire / 4:14 /
"So I finally got around to mastering and releasing a solo album! It is available now on this page, for free (http://www.bhantoot.com/).
If you'd like a physical copy with album art and such, shoot me an email at ben.hantoot@gmail.com."
tags + : zippo feu bolas extreme freebord counter strike source b2a jonglage deepblack pro . css