Auto share Posts-How to auto share Blog Posts on Facebook-Twitter

2016-06-14 5

Auto Share Posts
In web developing and Blogging world we see many daily updates which makes some fun and problem for some bloggers. it is very important for blogger who want to keep his presence on internet to to keep in touch with new updates to get more links and benefits for his blog or any purpose. so we know backlinks are very important in off page SEO and major role in back links is social media . social media provide you great stuff and build good worth on internet and you can show yourself a pure blogger to other people's so when you publish a new post in your blogger or website you want also it on your other social media profiles. But it is a time consuming work and manually very hard so now a days it is very easy. you can share your posts auto on social media. many plugins available internet if you want to share your Wordpress posts so for it you can use "NEXT SCRIPTS" plugin a very easy and good result. if you are using blogger then you can use twitterfeed through it you cam share posts on facebook and twitter automatically. Use these plugins and widgets and share this video with others.





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