The most 'Powerful Aircraft Carrier in the world 2016 USS Nimitz

2016-06-14 16

The Nimitz class aircraft carriers are the most modern and powerful in the world, and the largest ships in service with the US Navy. Nimitz from the early seventies to Ronald Reagan in 2003 came into service, divided in 3 decades, 10 ships of this class. They are equipped with 2 nuclear reactors A4W, enough to provide energy to a medium-sized cities, and are sufficient to push them at a speed of over 30 knots, despite a mass of about 100,000 tons at full load and a length of one-third kilometer. They are designed to stay in a 50-year service, then these are to be replaced with new units of the class Gerald R. Ford. Towards the middle of this period the aircraft carriers are subjected to full maintenance and modernization works (Refueling Complex Overhaul), which can last up to three years.
The flight deck is 330 meters long with a maximum width of 78 meters and an area of ​​18,210 m2 (as 2.5 football fields). The take-off and landing lanes are angled at 9 ° in order to optimize the available space. Taking off airplanes are launched by special catapults that imprint a strong additional initial push, while in landing are held back by a complex of stopping cable system (catobar system). The they not in service aircraft are parked in hangar below the flight deck and brought to the surface by means of four elevators.

Each carrier of this class usually carries tactical nuclear weapons and other weapons, including bombs adjustable power gravity. The flock board consists of fixed and rotary wing aircraft. Among those fixed wing there are the F / A-18 Super Hornet fighter-bombers F / A-18 Hornet aircraft electronic warfare EA-6 Prowler, the aviocisterne KA-6D, S3 Viking anti-submarine aircraft, aircraft E-2 Hawkeye radar aircraft and C-2 Greyhound transport .
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