Acts 7v17-29:- Both Moses and Ram Chander were the First Prophets of Moral Laws.

2016-06-13 12

Acts 7v17-29:- Both Moses and Ram Chander were the First Prophets of Moral Laws.

Acts of the Apostles 7,17-29.

‘But as the time drew near for the fulfilment of the promise that God had made to Abraham, our people in Egypt increased and multiplied until another king, not righteous anymore but cruel ushering in the Treta Yug when the Swastika Arm of righteousness and Mercy disappears who had not known Joseph for his spirituality of righteousness ruled over Egypt. He dealt craftily with our race and forced our ancestors to abandon their infants so that they would die. This is an extreme example of cruelty as expected without the quality of Mercy. In Sattyug, everyone is a Bhagat or Saint in righteousness as Abraham was and so, they had conscience, the base, truthful, contented and merciful; these are the Four Arms of Swastika. At this time Moses, the First Prophet in the world like Ram Chander in India was born, and he was beautiful before God. For three months he was brought up in his father’s house; and when he was abandoned, Pharaoh’s daughter adopted him and brought him up as her own son. Woman being part of our Father in which they supply Blood or life, they are always more righteous and merciful than the men, the suppliers of water for the procreation. So Moses was instructed in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, who were righteous and merciful to their own people and he was powerful in his words and deeds. ‘When he was forty, ten x 4; ten are the commandments and four are the sipirtual states of soul, which are ego, mind wisdom and His Will or Holy Spirit years old, it came into his heart because of the Holy Spirit to visit his relatives, the Israelites. When he saw one of them being wronged, he defended the oppressed man and avenged him by striking down the Egyptian. He supposed that his kinsfolk would understand that God through him was rescuing them, but they did not understand. They were too wise to listen to anyone else or they could sort out their own affairs without a third person interfering into their business. The next day he came to some of them as they were quarrelling and tried to reconcile them, saying, "Men, you are brothers; why do you wrong each other?" But the man who was wronging his neighbour pushed Moses aside, saying, "Who made you a ruler and a judge over us? They were too wise and arrogant to listen to a third person. Do you want to kill me as you killed the Egyptian yesterday?" They couldn’t understand why Moses killed the unrighteous Egyptian treating the slave mercilessly. When he heard this that they are too wise and arrogant to listen to him, Moses fled in disgust and became a resident alien in the land of Midian. There he became the father of two sons.
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