Assisted Dying - Multiculturalism is a Failure

2016-06-13 15

Doctor-assisted dying bill restricted to adults facing 'foreseeable' death
Strict limits include 18-year age requirement and mandatory 15-day 'reflection period'

Doctor-assisted death will be restricted to mentally competent adults who have serious and incurable illness, disease or disability under new legislation tabled in Parliament today.

The long-awaited bill also sets out safeguards to protect vulnerable Canadians, but does not include some of the most contentious recommendations from a parliamentary committee, including extending the right to die to "mature minors" and the mentally ill, and allowing advance consent for patients with degenerative disorders.

The debate on capital punishment

Every now and then the debate on capital punishment is resurrected.

Usually it reappears when we hear the news of a horrible crime, or we hear of an upcoming execution outside our borders.

Canada eliminated the death penalty for murder on July 14, 1976 with the bill passing by a narrow margin of 130-124. I was a mere 15 years old at the time, and the last execution to be held in Canada was in 1962 when I was just a toddler.

London Police Cars' Multi-Lingual Stickers Are Making Some People Furious

The London Police Service has decals on its vehicles in languages including Polish, Persian and Arabic. CBC News reports the outrage began Monday, after photos showing a police car brandishing one of the stickers were posted to Facebook — where they have been shared more than 18,000 times.

"SO IT STARTS – THE LITTLE TOE IS IN THE DOOR ALREADY," the Facebook post said. "WELL NOW - How do you like this ? THIS IS OUR ONTARIO ! ! "

'This is unacceptable'

The decals have been on the cars since 2009, and were part of a program to reflect the city's diversity.

Some schools not teaching in English

The Ontario government is allowing some elementary school students to be taught in Mandarin and Arabic by going around requirements that demand classes to be taught in English and French the official languages of Canada.

Chinese students at Prince Philip Elementary School in Hamilton are taught Mandarin 50% of the time from junior kindergarten to Grade 3, school officials said, adding as many as 100 others from F. W. Begley Public School in Windsor receive half of their education in Arabic also until Grade 3 before transitioning to English, school officials said.

"This is a very popular program with the Arabic community," said Scott Scantlebury, of the Greater Essex County District School Board. "We are the only school in Ontario with an Arabic language program."

He said the pilot language project has been in place for about eight years and it stemmed from a large Arabic population in the area.

Scantlebury said the program allows children to better communicate their school work or other issues with their parents.

Trudeau’s experiment with multiculturalism has been a failure

If multiculturalism is being re-examined in Canada today, it’s due in no small part to its supposed beneficiaries, immigrants. They have as many reservations about Canada’s official policy as the host population, and are less reluctant to express them. I’ve been fuming about multiculturalism for decades — but fuming about things too soon is like trying to pluck unripe fruit.

Now the fruit is beginning to ripen.

Immigrants who question multiculturalism range from a Korean lady I know in her 70s, whose English is still marginal after 40 years, to learned scholars such as Salim Mansur, a political scientist at the University of Western Ontario, whose latest book, Delectable Lie: A Liberal Repudiation of Multiculturalism has just hit the bookstores.

The failure of multiculturalism

National leaders are closing their eyes to Islam’s refusal to assimilate

Just as radar warns of approaching storms, so does the flood of migrants entering Europe warn us of a deluge yet to come, not only for Europeans, if they continue to allow unrestricted immigration, but for the United States.

Reports that women in Cologne, Germany, have been groped and robbed by men described by authorities as having “a North African or Arabic” appearance should be warning enough, but there are other and more ominous warnings that suggest worse lies ahead, unless the problem receives immediate attention and action. And it’s not just Cologne.

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