Brax and Kyle rescue Heath

2016-06-10 181

FROM: eps 5661 and 5662, orig AU air dates 1/21/2013 and 1/22/2013

BACKGROUND: Heath has gone on the fishing trip with Jamie. While Heath is out on the boat, he comes to the realization that he should give it another try with Bianca, so he calls and leaves her a message. Unfortunately, Adam calls Jamie and tells him to do what they talked about. Jamie sucker punches Heath and knocks him out, then ties him up and abandons him in a life raft floating in the bay. It takes a while for Brax to realize there is a problem, but Bianca is worried when Heath does not come home right away. Eventually, Brax gets worried too and starts looking for Heath. Kyle tags along. A conversation with Liam lets Brax and Kyle know that Jamie had something to do with Heath's disappearance. Brax and Kyle confront Jamie on his boat and force him to take them out to try and find Heath.

HIGHLIGHTS: This is another great rescue sequence that also has several good Kyle moments.
-- At the beginning Kyle is mouthy to Bianca and Brax. Brax says, "Are you finished?" Kyle refers to Brax as "my big brother"
-- Kyle says Brax doesn't have to fix everyones problems and Brax says he "has a bit to learn about how things happen around here."
-- Jamie tries to keep Kyle and Brax from going below deck on his boat, but he can't block both of them. Kyle slips by Jamie and finds Heath's bag. Jamie gets worked up enough to poke Brax in the chest and the expression on Brax's face is amusing.
-- At first Jamie just sails around not going to where he left Heath. Kyle talks to Jamie about how Kyle almost killed Casey and he's still alive and now he's trying to make things right. There are several cuts to Brax who is also listening to Kyle. When Kyle finishes Jamie looks back at Brax and Brax nods. Jamie turns the boat around.
-- When they find the life raft Heath is gone. There is a scene where Jamie is pinned hanging over the edge of the boat with Brax pressing his shoe to Jamie's throat. Kyle gets Brax to step back and then Kyle goes to Jamie. Jamie flips out and says "No! Get away!" as if he is more scared of Kyle than Brax. Maybe he is. Kyle in many ways encourages the reputation he has as somewhat psycho after what he did to Casey, and both Brax and Kyle, himself, take advantage of that reputation later.
- Kyle has a noticeably different rhythm to his speech than the other Braxtons. I particularly like when he says to Jamie, "You said Heath was your mate. So you understand why we're a bit confused about what went down here, yeah?"
-- When they finally find Heath they see him lying on a beach from out in the water. Brax dives off the boat and swims to him. I think Brax always looks a little awkward running, but in the water he looks quite graceful and extremely competent.
--The scene ends with Kyle and Brax wrapping Heath in a blanket and Brax puts his hand on Heath's face.

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