How to get rid of Thigh Fat, How to Lose Weight in your Thighs & How to get rid of Lower Belly Fat

2016-06-08 82
Fat accumulations in thighs are mostly prevalent in people having a pear shaped body. But getting rid of the extra thigh fat can be very tough and frustrating at the same time. People often try several techniques in order to get rid of thigh fat but do not tend to get the desired results. In order to make your efforts successful and also to shed those extra kilos from your thighs you not only have to exercise and maintain a balanced diet but you also have to reduce your extra body fat in general. If you want to know how to get rid of thigh fat, this video is for you!
Before looking for ways to how to get rid of thigh fat, it is important to first understand a few factors that can influence the size of thighs. Expert’s state that different factors contribute towards excess fat content in the thighs and here are a few details about these factors:
Gender: In general, men and women have sex-specific fat deposits as sex hormones are responsible for affecting fat distribution. Estrogen is responsible for directing the fat to deposit around the inner and outer thighs, buttocks and pelvis areas in women, while testosterone means men get excess fat content in the belly area. This is why as against men, women find it difficult to get rid of fat in areas like hips, butt and thighs as fat content in these areas are stated as stubborn fat.
Even though, this is considered a curse in the life of women, there is a biological advantage associated with this fat content as it plays a major role in fertility and lactation in them. The great thing to remember here is that during lactation, this so called stubborn fat is not quite stubborn and during this period it can be budged easily as compared to other periods in the life of women. Understanding this fact will help women before they take steps on how to get rid of thigh fat.
Experts are of the opinion that body shape will also play an important role in gathering of fat in the thigh area. For instance, pear-shaped women will face this issue in huge numbers, while cone-shaped women will have slim legs and thighs. So, women with pear-shaped body should work harder to get their thighs slimmer. But, natural weight loss supplements will help women with this body shape to get rid of excess fat in the thigh area.