Man Sells Teen Son's Car On Craigslist To Teach Him A Lesson

2016-06-06 25

Allan Gieger Jr. of Jacksonville, Florida was dismayed to learn how the Ford Explorer he gave his son was being utilized, so he put the car on Craigslist.

Many parents buy their teenage children cars and probably assume the vehicles will be used for getting to school or even picking up some part-time work.
Allan Gieger Jr. of Jacksonville, Florida was dismayed to learn that was not at all how the Ford Explorer he gave his son was being utilized, so he put the car on Craigslist, reports the Orlando Sentinel. 
The ad reads, in part, “I have my sons truck up for sale that I bought for him as his first car, he thinks it's cool to drive around with his friends smokin dope and acting all thug…” 
The dad also wrote, “I just put new tires on it that he never paid me for because dope was more important...” 
Though the car sold within hours; the ad and the father who wrote it are becoming increasingly popular, notes CNN.