The Tears of Ibn Baaz- When Ibn Jibreen and Salmaan al-Awdah Debating Ibn Baaz

2016-06-06 54

The story behind the tape:

The pious eminent Shaikh, the Imaam, the Scholar, `Abdul-`Azeez Ibn `Abdullaah Ibn Baaz (rahimahullaah) delivered a lecture to a group of teachers and students from the ‘Department of Sunnah and Foundations of the Deen’ at the University of Imaam Muhammad Ibn Sa`ood in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in early to mid 1990’s. In this lecture, he encouraged with seeking knowledge and giving da`wah. He is also spoke concerning his own Shaikh, the Muftee, Muhammad Ibn Ibraaheem Aalush-Shaikh (rahimahullaah), and the concern he would have over his students in terms of their learning and manners and other than that. And as Shaikh Ibn Baaz (rahimahullaah) remembered the manners, behaviour, knowledge and good treatment of Shaikh Muhammad Ibn Ibraaheem (rahimahullaah), Shaikh Ibn Baaz started to weep due to the immense love for his Shaikh. As he continued talking, he cried further until he can be heard on the audio tape weeping. For this reason, the one who recorded the lecture entitled it, “The Baazee Teardrop”, or maybe more eloquently in English, “The Tears Of Ibn Baaz.”

Once Shaikh Ibn Baaz finished his lecture, he took questions from those present, covering various topics such as the science of hadeeth, the ruling upon those who abandon the prayer, and so on. Side “A” of the audio tape finishes there. Then side “B” begins, and the crux of that revolves around the topic of: “The disbelief of the Rulers who exchange the Sharee`ah”. So the questions begin concerning the verse:

“And whomsoever does not judge by that which Allaah has revealed, then such are the unbelievers.” (al-Maa’idah)

So the one who introduced the lecture of Shaikhul-Islaam Ibn Baaz (rahimahullaah) was `Abdullaah Ibn Jibreen. This whole debate was orchestrated by those affected by ideas of Sayyid Qutb in the hope that they could convince or overpower Shaikh Ibn Baaz (rahimahullaah). From this discussion you will see how this Imaam of the Sunnah was not swayed by some of these heads of hizbiyyah, Qutbiyyah, and misguided political ideologies. Those most ardent here in front of Shaikh Ibn Baaz were the likes of Salmaan al-`Awdah, `Aa’id al-Qarnee, and others. The Shaikh remained steadfast, firm and resolute as they threw question after question knowing that his position was the truth, may Allaah have mercy upon him.

What is quite astounding is the fact that even after this and other discussions with the great scholars of the era, the likes of al-`Awdah, al-Qarnee, Safar al-Hawaalee, and even Ibn Jibreen did not take on board the guidance of these eminent scholars. So they became well-known for their defence of the Jihadist ideologues such as Sayyid Qutb, and embraced these false doctrines, teaching that to the youth. The end result of which was mayhem and chaos amongst the Muslim youth; the proliferation of street demonstrations, rebellious speeches from the pulpits, increase in terrorist plots, open belittlement and disrespect towards the Rulers, little attention paid towards teaching the youth the basics of Tawheed and Sunnah and great exaggerated emphasis placed upon entry into the political arena, parliaments and democratic elections. The fruits of this false doctrine we see in full fruition today within Muslim communities. This also shows the immense insight of the Scholars of the era that is not seen by the hasty agitators who seek to cajole the youth into wasting their lives in futile causes whilst those who direct them sit comfortably in their homes watching the anarchy unfold on the news channels.

Please Listen this Debate carefully.